Anticorruption in Russia and CIS, 2014 Procedures in building a corruption resistance system in organizations Influence of country factor on anti-corruption system Compliance culture as an effective technique in managing corruption risks Rolling out compliance and anti-corruption programs: focus areas Responding to Whistle blower Allegations The process of coordination of implementation of the Anti-Corruption procedures Procedures and techniques of Compliance of International Sanctions and Restrictions Legal aspects of fraud and corruption in the effective process internal investigation and receptive measures Third-Party liability: risk faced by companies in connection with the use of intermediaries Implementation of measures of anti-corruption training for employees Practical Aspects of Internal Investigations Development of the internal control system after performing an internal investigation Identifying and Minimizing Corruption Risks in the Supply chain Business Case: "Practical Application of Anti-Corruption Policies "Raspadskaya" Anti-corruption program in the context of sustainable development of the company The exploratory methodology during the procurement process and malpractice Developments in US anti-corruption and other criminal law: practical lessons for those doing business in Russia An Overview of the Extra-Territorial Reach of the FCPA and UK Bribery Act Antitrust Compliance: Elaboration and introduction of preventive measures in breach of Antitrust regulation by company employees in Russia Code of ethics and corporate conduct on giving gifts and company expenses under international and local anti-corruption laws Policy of prevention and management of conflict of interest in organizations Evaluation of compliance risks in a global corporation Procurement and tendering in the context of anticorruption policy and corporate control The collective company actions as a tool for effective and transparent collaboration with the government Best practices to fight against corruption in daily operations dealing with your distributors, brokers, agents and subcontractors Appropriate compliance according to Russian legislation in conducting ‘due diligence’ How to minimize reputational risks in organizations Counterparty Review: Key Points Formulation and development of an integrated system of internal control providing anti-corruption compliance